Last week I bought a book from Amazon.
Now, it's not your everyday M/M romance book. It was a taboo/fantasy novels about identical twin brothers having a sexual relationship. See...Most people are going to pass on this one. I can understand.
Book Description:
On his 19th birthday Kyle Beauchamp gets the surprise of his life—a make out session in the back of the bus. With his wide receiver.
Kevin Beauchamp loves two things, football and Kyle. After a rough game and a discreet blow job in the back of the bus, Kevin’s life will never be the same. But the love of his life is straight, and off limits in more ways than one.
When Kyle returns his feelings, Kevin has to decide if a few nights of intense passion is worth destroying their future. He knows one thing—loving his twin might be wrong, but losing Kyle would be like losing the other half of his soul.
Well, I finished the book today. Here's the thing. It's no longer on Amazon. The book was removed. Odd, I thought. So I did a little research and Amazon took it down due to customer complaints. Many of the buyer's of this book didn't realize its subject matter. They didn't see the words "Loving his twin." They purchased the book without knowing it was a Taboo/Fantasy book. They didn't read the "free sample", because it's very explicit on what type of book this is.
This was posted on the Author Blog.
From Amazon:

We don't accept pornography or offensive depictions of graphic sexual acts.
Offensive Content
What we deem offensive is probably about what you would expect.
Poor Customer Experience
We don't accept books that provide a poor customer experience. Examples include poorly formatted books and books with misleading titles, cover art or product descriptions. We reserve the right to determine whether content provides a poor customer experience.
I guess my question is what responsibility does the reader have?
Before buying any book I do some research. I read the book descriptions and reviews. I download the sample chapters. I want to know exactly what kind of book I'm buying.
It's obvious that the people who bought this didn't and quickly returned it.
Was the Author responsible? Did He/She knowing try to pull the wool over the eyes of the buyers?
Should there have been a Bold Print Warning Label? Would they have been read?
There are thousands of sexual explicit book on Amazon. Currently. Not all to my taste, but I don't ask them to be removed. I just don't buy them.
I know of several other books that involve Twincest and they're all still available on Amazon. (Just as Graphic) None of them have warning labels and all have not explicit covers. Some have been available for years. So why this book? Why this Author?
So is this Censorship?
I believe in the freedom of choice.
Here's the funny thing I just remember. Amazon recommended this book to me.